Survey Milestone Achieved: Over 50,000 Houses Mapped for Dharavi Redevelopment Project | Representational Image

Mumbai: The survey of over 50,000 houses have been completed for the Dharavi Redevelopment Project (DRP) as of Wednesday, which is the highest in the history of the Slum Rehabilitation Authority’s (SRA).

“This is a record milestone for Mumbai SRA, considering the complexity, precision and logistical challenges of mapping Asia’s largest slum. This progress is a big boost for the survey teams and Dharavi residents,” a DRP official said.

The DRP CEO, SVR Srinivas said, “We cannot afford delays due to resurveys as we are tackling multiple challenges simultaneously. We seek maximum cooperation from residents to help us expedite the project. Those who have not been able to participate in the survey so far should come forward with their documents and cooperate,” he urged.

As per the latest survey figures, numbering has been completed for 85,000 tenements, while over 50,000 tenements have undergone door-to-door surveys. The Dharavi Redevelopment Project is India’s largest slum rehabilitation initiative, where around 1.5 lakh tenements will be rehabilitated, ensuring better housing, infrastructure, and economic opportunities while preserving the dignity of Dharavi’s people.

“After multiple failed attempts in the past decades, Dharavi’s redevelopment has finally taken off. Once completed, this project will set a global benchmark for human-centric slum redevelopment. This milestone shows that we are committed to moving forward with benchmark facilities,” a spokesperson said.

A previous survey conducted by Mashal in 2007-08 had identified around 60,000 eligible tenements in Dharavi. Estimates now suggest that most tenements have grown to G+2 levels, increasing the number of tenements needing rehabilitation.

Under the tender terms, eligible residents of Dharavi will be rehabilitated within the area, while ineligible residents will be relocated to modern townships outside Dharavi but within the Mumbai Metropolitan Region limits.

“The townships will include schools, healthcare facilities, playgrounds, community centers and shopping complexes. This redevelopment and infrastructure, will not only improve the lives of relocated Dharavikars but Mumbaikars at large,” the spokesperson added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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