Next week many companies will trade the stock market as X-Bonous Stocks. One of these names is Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners.
The company is going to give bonus shares to its investors in 1: 1 ratio. That is, a bonus stock will be available on a stock.
Let’s know all the necessary information related to the performance of this stock and bonus issue.
When will Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners’s X-Bonus Trade?
The company has set a record date for bonus shares on 26 March 2024.
This means that on Wednesday (March 27) it will trade as stock ex-bones.
Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners are issuing bonus shares for the first time.
If you have shares of this company till a record date, then you will get bonus shares in 1: 1 ratio.
Company dividend history
Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners have been continuously involved in dividend companies to their investors.
2022: ₹ 1 per share
2023: ₹ 1.25 per share
2024: ₹ 1.50 per share
This shows that the company’s financial performance is continuously getting better.
Stock performance (Market Performance)
On Friday, the company’s stock climbed 3.46% to close at ₹ 251.30.
The stock has gained 19% in the last 1 week.
The stock has climbed 39% in the last 1 year.
52-wheek high: ₹ 289
52-wheek low: ₹ 147
Market Cap: ₹ 98.01 Crore
Promoter and public share in the company
Promoter holding: 47.64%
Public holding: 52.36%
It is clear that public investors have a lot of confidence in this stock.