Jaipur, 3 December (Hindustan Reporter). The grand opening of Ram Naam Parikrama Mahotsav took place at the historic Govind Devji Temple in Jaipur from Tuesday. This event was organized to commemorate the 27th death anniversary of Shri Manmadhav Gaudeshwaracharya Shri Sheel Goswamipad Pradyumna Kumar Dev Jiu. On this occasion, the devotees presented a unique confluence of devotion and faith by circling the name of Ram after seeing Govind Dev.

Thousands of devotees participated in the parikrama from 5 am to 7 pm. The devotees remained immersed in spirituality by silently chanting the name of Ram. Many devotees became so engrossed in Ram’s tune that they did not even pay attention to time. Some devotees even circumambulated the whole day.

Devotee Lakshmi Devi said, “It is difficult to describe the experience of parikrama in words. It is a unique spiritual experience.” While describing the glory of the name Ram, Sitaram Sharma said, “Ram is a wonderful word. By remembering this, all the Gods and Goddesses are worshiped.”

The event was inaugurated in the presence of Mahant Anjan Kumar Goswami of Govind Devji Temple. Harinam Sankirtan was performed in the morning, in which Vaishnava people made the atmosphere devotional with musical hymns. Temple sevadhikari Manas Goswami said that devotees can participate in the parikrama till December 15.

Mahant Rambhajan Maharaj, underlining the importance of the name of Ram, said, “The name of Ram should be chanted while alive. By this the sins of many births are erased. Chanting, listening and reciting the name of Ram is the easiest way to attain God.”

Religious preacher Vijay Shankar Pandey said, “India can be made a world leader again by awakening the Ram within us.”

The sentiments and devotion of the devotees once again proved the truth of the saying that “Ram’s name is greater than Ram.” On the very first day of the festival, billions of devotees were seen ecstatically circling the name of Ram. This event is becoming a source of not only religious but also spiritual experience for the devotees.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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