Mumbai: Shortly after being sworn in, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said that his cabinet would be expanded before the winter session of the state legislature scheduled for December 16 in Nagpur. Naturally, this has resulted in intense lobbying for ministerial berths and portfolios.

The buzz is that the expansion may take place anytime around December 11 or 12, since the winter session is scheduled to begin on December 16. The most contentious issue would be the allocation of portfolios to the Shiv Sena. In an interview with electronic media, CM Fadnavis said that the possibility was that the departments held by Sena and NCP ministers in the previous government would remain with the respective parties.

According to sources, Shinde, who has been asking for home, may have to choose between revenue, water resources and the public works department (with charge of the MSRDC). He is also believed to be asking for the urban development department as well. However, the BJP wants to keep the department with the CM, since both home and urban development were with Devendra Fadnavis in the BJP-Shiv Sena government, from 2014 to 2019.

Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis On The Home Department

Speaking about the home department, the CM is reported to have said that since the home department in the Union government was with the BJP, it would be best to leave it with the BJP in Maharashtra, for better coordination. Meanwhile, the Ajit Pawar-led NCP will retain finance, in addition to the departments its ministers headed in the previous government. The state cabinet has a strength of 43 ministers, including the CM.

Sena Sulking Over The Report Card

Another contentious issue within the Mahayuti has been that of the report card sought by the central leadership of the BJP. All ministerial aspirants were asked to answer a 12-point questionnaire. As reported by this newspaper, there were questions on whether there were police cases against the aspirants, whether they had been booked for inflammatory speeches or comments, details of the court cases and their nature, their coordination with the Mahayuti partners and the local cadre and so on.

Resentment is brewing in the Sena and the NCP over the report card, with a feeling that the alliance partners should have the freedom to choose their ministers. The issue may snowball into controversy, say leaders from the respective parties.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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