Despite Rs 1,250 Crore Spend, Nashik Roads Remain Riddled With Potholes: City Commissioner Takes Action |

The Nasik City Commissioner and Administrator Manisha Khatri has fixed accountability on officials after taking serious note of residents’ complaints about potholes on city roads. She directed city engineers to fill the potholes immediately and submit a report while instructing the additional commissioner to provide an overall report on the issue. 

Despite spending over Rs1,250 crore on asphalting roads in the past five years, potholes continue to persist. Every year during the rainy season, city roads are inundated, further worsening the condition of roads. Even during the last monsoon, several city roads were riddled with potholes. Residents have lodged numerous complaints with Khatri, prompting her to issue a circular addressing these grievances. She stressed the gravity of the issue, stating that the persistent complaints have tarnished the reputation of the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC). 

Responsibilities assigned

Khatri has instructed NMC’s additional commissioner to review the condition of all major and minor roads at least twice a week and submit an action report on the potholes. A directive was also issued to create a WhatsApp group comprising junior engineers, deputy engineers, the city engineer, the additional commissioner (city), the commissioner’s personal secretary, divisional officers, and the public relations officer. This group will monitor the status and actions taken regarding potholes in the city. 

In the circular, Khatri highlighted the urgency of repairing potholes and instructed junior engineers, sub-engineers, and divisional office officers to inspect roads daily. The process of filling the potholes must begin immediately, and detailed updates must be sent to the executive engineer of the concerned department, she ordered.

Periodic inspections and reporting 

All executive engineers have been directed to regularly inspect the roads in their respective divisions and monitor the potholes that have been repaired. A report on the current condition of the roads and any remaining issues must be submitted to the city engineer. Additionally, Khatri has instructed the city engineer to oversee the progress at all divisional office levels and provide a consolidated report to the additional commissioner. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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