Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya on Tuesday targeted Samajwadi Party (SP), Congress, and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), saying that these opposition parties use the ideals of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar only for vote bank politics. Are.

Opposition protests over remarks on Ambedkar

Congress and BSP announced protests on Tuesday against Union Minister Amit Shah’s alleged “derogatory” remarks on Dr Ambedkar in the Rajya Sabha.

BSP chief Mayawati called on party workers to hold peaceful protests at district headquarters across the country. At the same time, Congress in Uttar Pradesh ‘Ambedkar Honor March’ It was decided to expose the “anti-Dalit mentality” of BJP by organizing the event.

Keshav Maurya’s counterattack

Keshav Maurya, while posting on X (formerly Twitter), made sharp attacks on the opposition parties. He said,
“Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar dedicated his life for the rights of Dalits, backward people and the underprivileged. But SP, Congress, and BSP used his ideas only for vote bank politics.”

Maurya attacked SP, BSP and Congress “Dual character” Raising questions, he said,
“SP’s silence on the murder of Dalit daughter in Karhal and demolition of Ambedkar’s statue in Maharashtra, BSP’s repeated change of stand and Congress’s crocodile tears reveal their true face.”

“Vote bank politics will end.”

Accusing the opposition, Maurya said that those who are distorting Amit Shah’s remarks need to look into their conscience. He said,
“These parties have repeatedly insulted the ideals of Babasaheb. “Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP has taken historic steps towards realizing the dreams of Babasaheb through ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’.”

Congress and BSP’s reaction

  • Statement of BSP chief Mayawati:

    Mayawati encouraged party workers to hold peaceful protests and said that every possible step would be taken to protect the honor of Dr. Ambedkar.

  • Ambedkar Honor March of Congress:

    Congress MP Rakesh Rathore said his party will organize village-village chaupalas to take Ambedkar’s ideals to the masses and expose the “anti-Dalit mentality” of the BJP.

BJP’s emphasis on Ambedkar’s ideals

Enumerating the achievements of BJP, Keshav Maurya said that his party has taken many steps to realize the dreams of Dr. Ambedkar. He said,
“We have run many welfare schemes for the Dalits and the underprivileged. The pretense of SP, BSP and Congress will no longer work. The public has understood the truth.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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