Income Tax officials on Tuesday raided the homes and offices of several producers of the Telugu film industry. In which the names of main filmmaker Dil Raju and producers of Pushpa-2 are also included.


Recently Makarasankranti produced two big movies Game Changer and Sankranti Vasthunnam produced by Dil Raju. He currently serves as the Chairman of Telangana Film Development Corporation.

Along with Dil Raju, Income Tax officials also reached the house of his professional partner and producer Sirish and his daughter Hansita Reddy. Apart from this, the whereabouts of Maitri Movie Makers, who made Pushpa-2-The Rule, have also been investigated. According to sources, in this operation, 55 teams of Income Tax Department also raided the premises of production house producers Naveen Yarneni and Yalamanchili Ravi Shankar and their CEO Cherry. Dil Raju was at the center of the raid. This film made in his production house has earned more than Rs 100 crore at the box office. According to media reports, the raid is part of a wider investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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