Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has prepared its resolution letter regarding Delhi Assembly elections. According to party sources, the resolution paper has been finalized and sent to the central leadership and it will be released as soon as it gets approval from there. This time the BJP plans to include free schemes in its manifesto, along with the possibility of special announcements for women and the general public.
Special schemes for women
BJP can announce in its resolution letter to give monthly amount to women on the lines of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The party claims that it has already successfully implemented this scheme in many states.
- Free bus travel for women: The party will not only continue the facility of free bus travel but may also promise to increase the fleet of buses in Delhi.
- Free electricity and water schemes: BJP’s resolution letter may also announce removal of surcharge along with continuation of free electricity and water schemes.
Solution to the problems of Delhiites will be priority
Ramveer Singh Bidhuri, convenor of the resolution committee, said,
“We have taken representation from every area of Delhi and have given priority to solving the problems of the public. This resolution letter will not only continue the current schemes but will also include new schemes for the development of Delhi.”
Process of preparing resolution letter
BJP has prepared the resolution letter by taking suggestions from every part of Delhi.
- 52 meetings with various organizations in New Delhi.
- 24 meetings with RSS and its affiliates.
- 106 meetings in each Lok Sabha constituency.
- The party received more than 1.5 lakh suggestions.
- The resolution paper committee finalized it in 7 meetings.
Potential promises and announcements
- Amount per month for women:
- Financial assistance to women on the lines of Maharashtra and MP models.
- Free electricity-water schemes:
- Continuation of existing free plans.
- Proposal to abolish electricity surcharge.
- Increasing bus fleet:
- Announcement of bringing new buses with free bus travel for women.
BJP’s election bet
BJP is making every possible effort for election victory in Delhi. This resolution letter of the party will not only compete with the free schemes of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), but will also try to strengthen its hold among women and the general public.