In the Delhi Assembly elections, the Congress Party has prepared big promises to woo the public. According to sources, the party is planning to announce schemes like 400 units of free electricity, subsidized domestic cylinders and providing employment to youth. These promises will soon be made public under the Five Guarantees Scheme of Congress.
Announcement of ‘Pyaari Didi Scheme’ for women
Congress has started ‘Pyaari Didi Yojana’ to woo women as part of the election campaign. Under this scheme, a promise of Rs 2500 per month has been made to the women of Delhi.
Additionally, the party recently announced the Jeevan Raksha Yojana, under which it promises to provide free treatment up to Rs 25 lakh to every person in Delhi.
Scheme to provide 400 units of free electricity
Congress’s focus is on reducing the electricity expenditure of the people of Delhi. A senior party leader has indicated that up to 400 units of free electricity can be announced in Delhi. This proposal has been prepared to challenge the 200 units free electricity scheme of the present AAP government.
There is also talk in political circles that BJP can also make a big announcement regarding free electricity in the elections.
Subsidized cylinder and promise of free bus travel to women
According to sources, the Congress party is preparing to announce free bus rides and subsidized domestic cylinders for women. The aim of these promises is to provide relief to women and middle class families.
Emphasis on youth employment and scholarship schemes
The Congress party is also including employment and scholarship schemes for the youth in its election promises. Under these schemes, the youth of Delhi will be promised new job opportunities and financial assistance for studies.
Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy can announce
According to party sources, the official announcement of these schemes will be made in the next three-four days. It is believed that these announcements will be presented by Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy.