Amidst the excitement of Delhi Assembly elections 2025, Congress candidate from Kasturba Nagar Abhishek Dutt has made serious allegations against the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and its top leadership. He termed Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal as the “actor, director and producer of Delhi’s biggest scam”. Also, he claimed that top AAP leaders are going to lose badly in the upcoming elections.
Corruption allegations against Arvind Kejriwal
Abhishek Dutt launched a scathing attack on Arvind Kejriwal in the press conference on Monday, saying:
- “Arvind Kejriwal is not just a former Chief Minister, but the architect of Delhi’s biggest scam.”
- He alleged that during the Covid pandemic, when people were facing shortage of oxygen and medicines, Kejriwal was working on the new liquor policy with the “liquor mafia”.
‘Sheesh Mahal’ described as center of corruption
Abhishek Dutt also gave a statement on the ‘Sheesh Mahal’ controversy and said that it is a symbol of corruption.
- “This Sheesh Mahal is a house of corruption and should be sealed. Kejriwal has built this place by misusing public money. This is evidence of a big scam.”
- He also said that an impartial investigation should be conducted into this scam so that the public can know the truth.
target your leaders
Abhishek Dutt also took on senior Aam Aadmi Party leaders like Manish Sisodia, Atishi, and Gopal Rai. He said:
- “The people of Delhi have faced problems for 11 years. Now the time has come that these leaders should be ousted from power. These elections are for the heart of Delhi.”
- He also claimed that top AAP leaders would be badly defeated in the upcoming elections.
Reaction to BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri’s comment
The Congress candidate also reacted to BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri’s controversial remarks. He said:
- “We all know what rhetoric Bidhuri makes. There is no need for such leaders who use such language.”
- However, he also added that the scam allegations against Arvind Kejriwal are true, but no political leader should use indecent language.
Congress’s performance in the last elections
The Congress party, which has been in power in the Delhi Assembly for 15 consecutive years, has performed very poorly in the last two elections.
- Congress failed to win even a single seat in the 2015 and 2020 assembly elections.
- In 2020, AAP won 62 out of 70 seats, while BJP got 8 seats.
Congress’s hopes on upcoming elections
It is clear from the sharp statements of Abhishek Dutt that Congress is preparing to enter the field in the upcoming elections with new energy and strategy.
- Congress is now trying to make Delhi voters aware about the issue of corruption and misgovernance against the AAP government.
- Whether this strategy will bring Congress back to its old glory or not, only the election results will tell.