Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who recently welcomed her first child, a baby girl, with husband Ranveer Singh, made a surprise appearance at Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh’s concert in Bengaluru on Friday, December 6. The event created a buzz on social media as pictures and videos of Deepika enjoying the concert went viral.  It may be mentioned that this is Deepika’s first public appearance after embracing motherhood. 

In one of the videos, shared by Diljit himself on Instagram, the singer added a playful twist to the night by endorsing a product from Deepika’s skincare brand during his performance. “This is the secret to my beautiful skin,” he joked, drawing cheers from the audience. 

He then invited the actress on stage, where the two shared a warm hug, leaving fans ecstatic.  

Deepika, known for her grace, delighted the crowd further by grooving to Diljit’s hit song Lover. She then addressed the audience with a cheerful “Namaskaram Bengaluru,” which earned her loud applause.  

Diljit, in turn, praised the actress, lauding her journey in the film industry. “She has done such beautiful work on the big screen. She has made a place for herself through her own efforts, and we all should be proud of her,” he said. 

“Queen 👸🏻 @deepikapadukone On DIL-LUMINATI TOUR IN BENGALURU 🫶🏽 Year 24,” Diljit captioned his post under which Deepika commented, “Thank you for the memories…🙏🏽#GRATITUDE.”

The interaction between the two stars left fans thrilled and they took to the comments section to share their excitement. While some demanded a film collab between the two, others called them ‘icons’. 

After wrapping up Bengaluru, Diljit will next perform in Mumbai, Indore and Chandigarh, before finally wrapping up his Dil-Luminati India tour in Guwahati on December 29.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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