Famous Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is busy these days raising her daughter Dua Singh Padukone. After becoming a mother, Deepika has taken a break from her work and is giving her full priority to her daughter. A few days ago, Deepika and Ranveer Singh hosted a special get-together for the media in Mumbai, where they introduced the paparazzi to their daughter Dua for the first time.
What did Deepika say on Kalki 2898 AD Part 2?
During the event, when Deepika was asked about her upcoming film Kalki 2898 AD Part 2, she made it clear that her priority right now is her daughter.
- Deepika said, “I cannot leave my daughter in the care of a nanny at this time. I will raise my daughter myself, just like my mother raised me.”
- The actress also told that at present she is busy taking care of her daughter by keeping distance from all her projects.
There may be a delay in the shooting of Kalki 2898 AD Part 2
After the grand success of Kalki 2898 AD, fans are eagerly waiting for its sequel.
- Shooting Plan:
- According to reports, the shooting of Kalki 2898 AD Part 2 was scheduled to begin in summer 2025.
- However, it is clear from Deepika’s statement that the shooting of the film may be delayed.
- Birth of Dua:
- Deepika and Ranveer’s daughter Dua Padukone Singh was born on September 8 this year.
Success of Kalki 2898 AD
Kalki 2898 AD, released on 27 June 2024, performed well at the box office.
- Star Cast:
- The film starred Prabhas, Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan in lead roles.
- Earning:
- This science fiction film collected more than Rs 1000 crore at the global box office.
- Appreciation:
- The film received an excellent response from both audiences and critics.