Bollywood’s famous couples Deepika Padukone And Ranveer Singh were recently spotted together at the Mumbai airport. Both of them posed happily in front of the paparazzi. Ranveer Singh was seen in a new look this time. He was wearing a black open shirt and pants with a grown beard, in which he looked very cool. Whereas, Deepika was wearing a check strip shirt with dark glasses. However, the couple Supplication Kept away from the eyes of the media.

Seen at the airport with daughter for the first time

Deepika and Ranveer became parents in September last year. Daughter Supplication After the birth, both of them have been seen together in public only a few times. This time the fans were very happy to see the couple at the airport. After Dua’s birth, Deepika has maintained some distance from her films and media, so that she can give full time to her daughter.

Deepika and Ranveer’s work front

Deepika has currently taken a break from all her projects after becoming a mother. According to reports, he will soon start his film ‘Kalki’ Can start shooting for the second part. Apart from this, in his upcoming films ‘The Intern’ And ‘Brahmastra 2’ In which she will play the role of Amrita.

On the other hand, Ranveer Singh has changed his look for his new projects. He ‘Don 3’, ‘Simmba 2’, ‘Shaktimaan’, ‘Baiju Bawra’ And ‘Unfamiliar’ Will be seen in big films like Hindi remake of. Although Ranveer’s last few films did not do well at the box office, there are high expectations from his upcoming films.

first glimpse of daughter

Deepika and Ranveer had shared the first glimpse of their daughter Dua along with her name on social media some time ago. While keeping their personal life private, the couple has focused on making every moment of their daughter special.

enthusiasm of fans

Fans are very happy to see Deepika and Ranveer together. This glimpse of her has once again given couple goals to her fans. Now everyone is eagerly waiting for Deepika’s return to the big screen after her maternity break and Ranveer’s new projects.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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