How to Reduce Lower Body Fat: Additional weight is the fastest growing problem in today’s time. Many people are troubled by overweight. Fat accumulates rapidly due to wrong eating habits and lack of exercise. The body size deteriorates when fat in the body increases and along with this many diseases also increase. That is why health experts say that it is necessary to control weight to avoid such problems.


If you want to lose extra weight, it is necessary to do physical exercise and take a proper diet. Anyone can change the diet, but not everyone has time to exercise. If you also want to lose weight but you do not have time to exercise. So let us tell you about a home remedy for weight loss today. By adopting this recipe, you can reduce the fat stored in your waist, thighs, arms, stomach and other areas within a month.


Make this powder for weight loss

100 grams of fennel, 100 grams cinnamon, 100 grams cumin, 100 grams large cardamom, 100 grams of parsley, 50 grams turmeric. First of all, fry everything on different low flame so that the moisture present in them comes out. When all the things are cold, grind them in a mixer and make powder. Fill this powder in a glass vessel and then consume it regularly.


How to take powder?

This powder has to be taken in the morning and evening in the morning and evening. Boil a glass of water well. After boiling the water, turn off the gas and add one teaspoon of this powder to it. Then when the water becomes hot, filter it and drink it slowly. If you drink this water continuously for a month, then your body fat will slowly start decreasing. This powder is beneficial not only for fat but also for heart and diabetes diseases.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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