The series of deaths due to mysterious disease in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir is not stopping. After the death of a 60-year-old woman on Friday, the death toll from this disease has increased to 16. The deceased has been identified as Jatti Begum, who was a resident of Badhal village. Earlier, on January 13, her 62-year-old husband Mohammad Yusuf also died due to this disease. After Jatti Begum’s health deteriorated, she was admitted to the Government Medical College, Rajouri on Thursday evening. “All efforts were made to save the woman, but she died around 7:30 am on Friday,” said Dr Shamim Chaudhary, medical superintendent of the medical college.
At the same time, the situation has become even more serious in the family of Yusuf’s nephew Mohammad Aslam. Aslam has so far lost five children due to this disease and now the condition of his 16-year-old daughter Yasmin Akhtar Kausar is also critical. Yasmeen has been kept on ventilator at SMGS Hospital in Jammu on Thursday evening. Senior medical officer said, “The condition of Aslam’s eldest daughter is also critical.” He said that in all the 15 deaths detected so far, the patients had excessive sweating before developing fever and later their nervous system became weak.
SIT formed to investigate the case
Amidst this growing concern, the Jammu and Kashmir government has formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) in view of the seriousness of the matter. According to government sources, 16 people have died so far, and a child is admitted in SMGS hospital, whose condition is critical. Investigations and samples have made it clear that these incidents were not caused by infectious disease caused by bacteria or viruses. No disease related to virus or bacteria has been found in all the tests. Tests were conducted on samples in leading laboratories of the country, which have concluded that there is no public health related aspect in these deaths.