Salman Khan’s acting has a massive fan following, and his dance steps also attract loud cheer. A recent video showed an elderly woman recreating the vibrant moves of the actor from one of his much-loved films ‘Dabangg’. In the video, Ravi Bala Sharma (dubbed as internet’s ‘Dancing Dadi’), grooved to the iconic dance number from the movie. She was seen performing to the ‘Dagabaaz Re’ song.

The recent reel uploaded by Sharma captured her enjoying one of the dance performances by Salman Khan and his co star Sonakshi Sharma.

Take a look at the video below

A look into her dance performance

Sharma wore no Khaki uniform, but tried her best to vibe to the music originally performed by Salman Khan-played character, Chulbul Pandey. She recreated the moves exhibited in the film with her own adah. Instead of sticking around the choreography in the movie, she tried to add her touch to the beat.

The video showed her dressed in an Anarkali dress and seated down on the dance floor. As the music started, she threw impressive dance steps to enjoy the popular beat. Sharma’s smile and joyous facial expressions suggested her enjoying the Bollywood song.

Video goes viral on Instagram

Being uploaded on Instagram, the elderly dancer’s reel has now gone viral on the social media platform. So far, the dance video has attracted 16 lakh views and thousands of likes.

Dancing Dadi’s performance to the ‘Dagabaaz Re’ song was celebrated by netizens. They flooded the comments section with ‘heart’ emojis and words of praise. “Bahut hi beautiful performance”, an Instagram user wrote. Another reacted calling it a “Super” dance performance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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