Dairy Animals: Know these important things before buying dairy animals, otherwise you will suffer a loss of lakhs.

Buying milch animals is an important decision for farmers and people involved in dairy business. This not only decides the success of their business but is also extremely important for the security of their investment.

However, if correct information and caution are not taken, this investment can turn into loss. Buying the wrong animal can not only reduce milk production but can also lead to losses worth lakhs of rupees. In this article we will tell you about the important things to keep in mind before buying a milch animal.

Importance of buying dairy cattle

Milch animals, such as cows and buffaloes, form the basis of the dairy business. A high quality dairy animal not only produces more milk but also costs less to keep.

But choosing the right animal is not easy. For this, it is important to understand the breed, health, milk production capacity and maintenance requirement of the animal.

Things to know before buying dairy cattle

It is very important to keep the following things in mind while purchasing milch animals.

1. Select the breed of animal

The breed of a milch animal affects its milk production capacity. Every breed has its own specialty.

  • Cow Breeds: Indian breed of cows like Gir, Sahiwal, and Red Sindhi are known for high quality milk production.
  • Buffalo Breeds: Buffaloes like Murrah and Jafarabadi are famous for giving high milk.
    Select the breed based on your climate and business needs.

2. Check the health of the animal

The health of the animal directly affects its productivity. Check the health of the animal before purchasing.

  • healthy body: The body of the animal should be strong and balanced.
  • Eyes and skin: The eyes of the animal should be shiny and the skin should be healthy.
  • Vaccination Records: Make sure the animal has received all required vaccinations.

3. View milk production records

It is important to check the milk production record of the animal before purchasing.

  • Check the quantity and quality of milk.
  • If possible, observe the animal being milked to get an idea of ​​its actual capacity.

4. Keep age in mind

The age of a milch animal affects its productivity.

  • Productive age of cow and buffalo: It occurs between 4 to 8 years.
  • Do not select very young or old animals, as their productivity may be reduced.

5. Understand animal behavior before buying

The behavior of the animal also affects its care and maintenance.

  • Give preference to animals with calm and cooperative nature.
  • If the animal is aggressive, it may be difficult to handle.

6. Get expert advice

Before buying milch animals, definitely take the advice of an animal expert or veterinarian.

  • They can give you the right guidance about the right breed, health and other technical information.

7. Check the source of purchase

While buying milch animals, it is important to know from where you are buying the animal.

  • Buy only from certified and trusted sellers.
  • Buying from animal fair, farm or dairy center can be a better option.

8. Get pet insurance

Get your dairy cattle insured to protect them from any possible disease, accident or death.

  • Insurance ensures your financial security.

What to do after buying a milch animal?

Care and maintenance of the animal after purchase is very important.

  1. Pay attention to nutrition:

    Balanced diet and green fodder is important for animal health and milk production.

  2. Get a health checkup:

    Get the animal checked by a veterinarian regularly.

  3. Maintain cleanliness:

    The animal’s living space should be clean.

Common mistakes in buying dairy cattle

  1. Lure of cheap animal:

    In pursuit of low prices, many people buy unhealthy or less productive animals.

  2. Shopping without verification:

    Buying an animal without checking its health and milk production can lead to losses.

  3. Purchasing from Unknown Sellers:

    Buying animals from an uncertified seller can be risky.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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