Mumbai: In the last week of September, Paithani sarees worth ₹10 lakh were stolen from a residence on Veer Savarkar Marg, Dadar. Following a case filed at the Dadar Police Station, the police successfully arrested two suspects from Andhra Pradesh in connection with the theft. The accused have been identified as Ganji Shivram Prasad Sudhakar (37) and Taneru Shivkumar Venkateshwar Rao (31), both residents of Undavalli Village, Tadepalli Taluka, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh.

The theft occurred on September 29, between 3 PM and 4 PM, when an unknown customer visited the residence of Kshitij Sawant and his wife Prachi in Dadar West to purchase Paithani sarees. While Prachi was distracted, the customer stole pure silk Paithani sarees worth ₹10 lakh. The theft was reported to the Dadar Police Station on September 30.

During the investigation, police reviewed CCTV footage from the Sawant residence to Panvel. Although the car used in the crime had no number plate, investigators traced the vehicle’s owner through Fastag toll data collected at Atal Setu.

CCTV footage from the crime scene and surrounding areas revealed two vehicles used by the suspects: a Baleno and a Scorpio. Further analysis of toll records and UPI transaction details helped identify the accused and their bank accounts. Both suspects were traced to Tadepalli Village, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. After obtaining approval from senior officers, the investigation team apprehended the suspects and recovered five stolen sarees.

The recovered silk Paithani sarees are valued at ₹6.05 lakh. Investigations are ongoing.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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