Customs officials at the international airport have accused a 26-year-old Indian traveler from Uttar Pradesh of smuggling foreign currency. The man had planned to fly to Hyderabad by flight number 6E-2768 from Terminal-2 IGI Airport on Saturday and then to Ras Al Khaimah by flight number 6E-1495 on the same day.
Customs officials, acting on a tip-off, stopped the passenger and after examining his luggage, recovered foreign currency cleverly hidden in a black trolley bag. US dollars 20,000, 5,25,000 Saudi Riyals and 1,000 Qatari Riyals were found in the exported currency. This currency was seized under Section 110 of the Customs Act, 1962. The passenger has been arrested under Section 104 of the Customs Act, 1962 and further investigation is underway.