Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Every year, number of crime against women is increasing. In 2020 the number of cases related to ‘crime against women’ were 27k. The number increased to 33,612 in 2022.

The government replied in a written question raised by MLA Pankaj Upadhaya. The MLA has asked the government about the number of crimes done against women in the state from 2020 to 2022.

Year 2020 and 2021 were pandemic years, most of the people were saving lives, but people having criminal mindset did not spare women in committing crime against them.

In 2020, 4,290 girls and women were raped, which increased to 5099 the next year and in 2022 it increased to 5,217. Cases of gang rape were also reported with slight fluctuations in 2020. 262 gang rape incidents took place, in 2021 the number dropped to 247, but next year it increased to 271.

Not only rape and gang rape, girls and women were raped and also killed. In 2020, 22 victims faced the brutal act, in 2021, 21 victims and next year 25 women were raped and killed. 574 women were murdered in 2020, in 2021, 578 and in 2022, 488 women became victims of murder.

Every year, the number of girls are kidnapped and abducted.

In 2020, 6,836 girls were kidnapped. Next year, the number increased to 8,584 and in 2022, the number went up to 9,301.

In 2020, 700 women and girls had committed suicide. Next year, the number was 745 and in 2022, it dropped to 678. In human trafficking cases, 28 women became victims in 2020.

Next year, the number doubled to 57 and in 2022, 30 women became victims. 65 women faced dowry harassment in 2020 and the number increased to 213 in 2021.

In 2022, 288 cases were reported. Not only dowry, women faced cruelty by their husbands also.

In 2020, 5,477 women faced cruelty. Next year the number increased to 7,737 and in 2022, the number increased to 8,182.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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