Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): The state’s longest flyover being built in Jabalpur has sustained cracks even before it was started for public. Amid reports of visible cracks, a team of officials led by PWD Additional Chief Secretary Neeraj Mandloi inspected the flyover on Thursday.

The inspection aimed to address concerns about the flyover’s design, commuter safety, and construction quality.

Watch the largest flyover below :

During the visit, Neeraj Mandloi clarified that there are no issues with the flyover’s design or construction techniques, but the drastically fluctuation temperatures.

Cracks Due To Weather

He explained that the visible cracks are due to seasonal changes affecting the expansion joints, which are deliberately left for weather-related adjustments.

These surface cracks are later filled with chemical materials to ensure durability. He assured that no cracks have been found in the pillars or the internal structure.

Mandloi added, that the flyover’s safety and strength have not been compromised.

However, the department will investigate any issues or cracks reported. He further stated that the flyover’s construction is progressing well and will be completed soon.

“The PWD department has gained valuable knowledge about improved construction methods through this project. We assure that the flyover is being built with a strong focus on safety and durability,” he stated.

He assured that the flyover will be safe and long-lasting once completed.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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