former prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh After his death, the controversy regarding the construction of his memorial is deepening. Senior lawyer and social worker of Delhi Ashwini Upadhyay Citing the alleged scams and controversial decisions taken during Dr. Singh’s tenure, he has opposed his honor and the construction of the memorial.

Upadhyay’s arguments: Why are there protests?

  1. Allegations of Scams:

    Upadhyay alleged incidents during Manmohan Singh’s tenure 10 lakh crore rupees mentioned the scams, including:

    • commonwealth scam: ₹70,000 crore.
    • 2G spectrum scam: ₹1,76,000 crore.
    • Many other financial irregularities.
  2. National Minorities Education Act (2004):
    • Calling it against the Constitution, Upadhyay alleged that it was aimed at benefiting a particular community.
    • Through this, allegations of appeasement were made by giving minority status to schools and colleges.
  3. Formation of Minority Ministry (2006):
    • Upadhyay claims that this ministry was created only for appeasement and vote bank politics.
    • He called it part of a political agenda instead of a social justice ministry meant for the welfare of the poor.
  4. FCRA Act (2010):
    • It was alleged that this law foreign funding Promoted anti-India forces, Maoists, and jihadi organizations through this.
  5. Right to Education Act Amendment (2012):
    • Madrassas were taken out of the scope of this law, due to which their teaching and administration cannot be monitored.
    • This step is alleged to have been taken under pressure from Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind and Muslim Personal Law Board.

Government’s stance:

The Central Government has announced the construction of a memorial in honor of Dr. Manmohan Singh. The place is being selected for this.

What is the impact of the dispute?

This is not just a matter of building a monument, but it political and ideological differences Has become a symbol of.

  • Support: Dr. Singh’s supporters are supporting his honor on the basis of his economic reforms and contribution to the progress of the country.
  • Oppose: Critics are raising questions citing controversial decisions and scams that took place during his tenure.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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