In Telangana, BJP MLA Raja Singh has created controversy with his statement regarding Sabarimala temple and Ayyappa devotees. Raja Singh appealed to the devotees taking Ayyappa initiation not to visit any mosque during their pilgrimage. He said that doing so could affect the traditions of the temple and the sanctity of the devotees.

BJP MLA’s statement

Speaking to reporters in Hyderabad on Friday, Goshamahal MLA Raja Singh said:

  • Visiting mosque described as “impurity”: Raja Singh said devotees should strictly follow the rules of Ayyappa initiation. He claims that visiting the mosque can make devotees “impure”.
  • “Conspiracy allegation”: He alleged that devotees are forced to visit the mosque, which according to him is part of a conspiracy.

Demand for land allocation from Kerala government

Raja Singh appealed to the Chief Ministers of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, saying:

  • A letter should be written to the Kerala Government demanding allotment of 10 acres of land for the construction of shelters for Ayyappa devotees.
  • His statement sparked a heated debate on social media, and internet users gave mixed reactions to it.

Opposition to change in temple traditions

Controversy also continues regarding the customs and traditions related to Sabarimala temple.

  • G Sukumaran Nair, general secretary of the Nair Service Society, criticized Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for supporting changes in temple traditions.
  • Vijayan supported a monastery head’s call to end the tradition of making men remove their clothes above the waist before entering temples.

issue of women’s entry

The controversy is also related to the issue of change in temple traditions and entry of women.

  • Six years ago there was a movement regarding the entry of women into the Sabarimala temple, which was led by the Nair Service Society.
  • General Secretary Nair said,

“It is not right to interfere in temple traditions. “Each temple has its own specific traditions, which cannot be changed by the government or any individual.”

Reactions on social media

There was a sharp reaction on social media regarding Raja Singh’s statement and the debate on temple traditions.

  • Supporters: Some supported Raja Singh’s statement, calling it an initiative to save temple traditions.
  • Critics: Others called it against religious harmony and unity.

What is the origin of Sabarimala temple controversy?

The Sabarimala temple controversy has been in the news for the last few years.

  • Entry of women: There was a long-standing ban on entry of women aged between 10 and 50 years. The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in 2018, but since then the debate of tradition versus modernity intensified.
  • Change in customs: Debate continues regarding the clothing and other traditions of the devotees.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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