Varanasi, 30 November (HS). Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak reached Varanasi on Saturday on his one-day visit. The Deputy Chief Minister, after conducting on-site inspection of the under-construction projects, directed the engineers of PWD and Setu Nigam to conduct operations on a war footing and complete the works. He directed to quickly complete the remaining construction works of the 1355.51 meter long overbridge being built for Rs 144.52 crore in Kajjakpura. He said that there should be no delay in this now.
Officers told the Deputy Chief Minister that the construction of overbridge was started in September 2019 at railway crossing number 23A located at Kajjakpura. There was a plan to complete the construction work of this ROB in June 2022. A 1355.51 meter long overbridge is being built from Kajjakpura to Saraiya at a cost of Rs 144 crore. 55 pillars have been made in it. Work has started from GT Road side. There was also hindrance due to lack of departmental coordination due to buildings, sewers, drinking water, pipelines and electric poles. The work has almost been completed by solving the problems encountered in the construction work. The remaining work will also be completed soon. It was told that the work will be completed next month in December.
The Deputy Chief Minister also conducted on-site inspection of the widening and strengthening of Padav-Ramnagar (Tengra Mod) (remaining part of NH No.-7) to 4 lanes at a cost of Rs 231.59 crore. He gave necessary directions to the Executive Engineer of PWD. It was told that 77 percent of the work has been completed. The work of railway underpass has not started yet. He directed that the work should be started immediately in coordination with the railway officials. The work was to be completed by January 24, which is now to be completed by December 24. Apart from MLA Saurabh Srivastava, CDO Himanshu Nagpal, PWD and Setu Nigam officers were also present during the inspection.