Priyanka Gandhi Vadra News: Wayanad Lok Sabha MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has hit back at the scuffle in Parliament. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said, ‘This is a conspiracy to save Amit Shah. The real emotion came out of Shah’s words. I challenge the BJP MP to stand here and chant Jai Bhim. Two BJP MPs Pratap Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput were injured during the demonstration in the Parliament complex on Thursday morning. BJP claimed that both the MPs were injured due to Rahul Gandhi’s push. However, the Congress hit back by denying this and accused the BJP of pushing Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, after which he fell on the ground and got injured.

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra hit back

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, while talking to reporters on the scuffle in Parliament, said, ‘The opposition has been protesting peacefully for many days, but today for the first time BJP demonstrated and stopped everyone, after that there was scuffle and hooliganism. Now the conspiracy to save Amit Shah has started, Rahul pushed someone. Khargeji was pushed to the ground in front of my eyes. Then the CPM MP got pushed and fell on Khargeji. I thought I might have broken my leg or something. It appeared from the face that he was hurt. Then we found a chair and brought it for him.


Priyanka challenged BJP MPs

The Lok Sabha MP further said, ‘You see yourself, we are protesting every day, till date nothing has happened. This is all part of a conspiracy. We asked him, if you respect Ambedkarji then say Jai Bhim. Why does the slogan of Jai Bhim not come out of his mouth? We were just raising slogans and fighting for the Constitution. The original spirit of Amit Shah’s speech was lost. I challenge BJP MPs to stand up and say Jai Bhim.


This issue heated up in Parliament also

It is noteworthy that this issue was also raised during the proceedings of Parliament. Union Minister J. P. Nadda said in Parliament that Congress’s secret was exposed during the debate on the Constitution. In 75 years of trying to destroy and misuse the Constitution, it has reached the masses. For this reason Congress could not control itself and became uncontrollable. The way Rahul Gandhi pushed an MP today, due to which two of our MPs got injured and are undergoing treatment in RML. This House condemns the entire incident.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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