Connect India Japan has announced the inaugural Indo-Japan Golf Tournament, an extraordinary on-day golfing event that will bring together distinguished diplomats, renowned CEOs, and a host of influential personalities from both India and Japan. This prestigious tournament promises to be a game-changer, showcasing an exceptional mix of global business leaders, cultural ambassadors, and sports enthusiasts.

As the first-ever Indo-Japan Golf Tournament of its kind, it aims to foster deeper ties between the two nations, encourage cross-cultural exchange, and celebrate the spirit of cooperation through sports. The tournament is being organised at the picturesque ITC Classic Golf Resort in Gurgaon on November30, 2024,

The tournament will feature an elite lineup of players, including Amitabh Kant, G-20 Sherpa and former CEO of NITI Aayog, Harinder S. Sikka, Group Director at Piramal Enterprises, renowned author of ‘Calling Sehmat’, and producer of the award-winning movie Nanak Shah Fakir. Sikka will also serve as the overall advisor and mentor for the tournament, ensuring that the event upholds the highest standards of sportsmanship and excellence.

The event is being organized by Ms. Nupur Tewari, CEO and Founder of Connect India Japan, who is leading this groundbreaking initiative. “We are thrilled to bring together such an esteemed group of individuals for this unique tournament,” said Nupur Tewari. “The Indo-Japan Golf Tournament is not just about sports; it’s a testimony to the power of collaboration between India and Japan. We are excited to see how the synergy of these leaders on the green will translate into stronger bilateral ties and lasting friendships.”

The Indo-Japan Golf Tournament will not only highlight the importance of sports as a tool for diplomacy but also offer participants a platform for networking, collaboration, and exploring new avenues for business and cultural exchange. This exceptional event marks a significant milestone in Connect India Japan’s commitment to building stronger ties between the two nations, creating lasting connections, and celebrating shared values and aspirations.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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