The new national headquarters of Congress ‘Indira Bhawan’ was formally inaugurated in Delhi. Former party president and Congress Parliamentary Party leader Sonia Gandhi inaugurated it on January 15. This five-storey green building, constructed by L&T and designed by renowned architect Hafeez Contractor, is a symbol of the 140-year-old glorious history of Congress.

Headquarters Features

Indira Bhawan has a total of more than 70 rooms. Historical glimpses of Congress’s struggle, truth, non-violence and sacrifice are engraved on its walls. The party has defined it as a symbol of democracy, secularism, inclusive development and social justice.

Priyanka Gandhi’s role

Party General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi played an important role in the interior decoration and designing of this building. He selected everything from the building’s layout, paintwork, and interior furniture to historic photographs and curtains. On the walls of this building, photographs of all the prominent Congress leaders, including those who have differences of opinion and have left the party, have been displayed.

building structure

  • Fifth floor: Offices of Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, and Rahul Gandhi.
  • Fourth floor: Offices of AICC general secretaries and heads of Youth Congress, NSUI, Mahila Congress.
  • Third Floor: Open office for secretary and in-charge.
  • Second floor: Reserved for various departments and cells of the party.
  • First Floor: Auditorium.
  • Ground Floor: Manmohan Singh Library, Media Briefing Room, Cafeteria and Reception.

historical photos

246 historical photographs are displayed on the walls of the building, which show the journey of Congress from its establishment in 1885 till today. These include photographs ranging from the first Congress President Vyomesh Chandra Banerjee to the current President Mallikarjun Kharge.

Congress message

The party has described this new headquarters as a symbol of new energy and confidence. Congress has described it as the center of its commitment towards Indian democracy and inclusive development.

Indira Bhavan is not only a symbol of the glorious history of the Congress, but also represents the party’s resolve and vision for the future.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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