Comedian and actor Sunil Pal left everyone worried after he went missing post a show out of Mumbai. His wife, Sarita Pal, filed a missing complaint with the Santacruz police on Tuesday, and hours after it, he was found. A friend of the comedian stated that he was in a “problem”.
It all came to light after Sarita approached the Santacruz police on Tuesday and stated that the comedian had travelled outside Mumbai for a show and was supposed to return on Tuesday, but he did not. When she tried to reach him on call, his phone was unreachable, and later, it got switched off, thus forcing Sarita to seek help from cops.
Late on Tuesday night, Pal was finally found and police said that he was returning to Mumbai from Delhi soon. His wife too spoke to him and she refused to divulge further details about the incident.
Trade analyst Girish Wankhede informed Times of India, “He told me there was a problem, but he is out of it.” However, he did not reveal what the ‘problem’ exactly was.
Prior to going missing, Pal had shared a video on his social media handles in which he was seen enjoying a speed boat ride with a few men. “Nadiya ke paar,” he captioned the video, without revealing where it was shot.
Pal shot to fame and became a household name after his stint on The Great Indian Laughter Challenge in 2005. He was declared the winner of the show. Later, he also hosted The Great Indian Comedy Show, and participated in Comedy Champions, and Comedy Circus Ke SuperStars.
Pal has also featured in several hit films in comic roles, including, Hum Tum, Phir Hera Pheri, Apna Sapna Money Money, Bombay To Goa, Krazzy 4 and Kick, to name a few.