Many people have to face the problem of headache due to falling temperature in winter. This headache can be caused by cold dry winds, change in diet and lack of water in the body. If you are also troubled by this pain, then let us know its reasons and ways to get relief from it.
Causes of cold headache
There can be many reasons behind headache in winter:
- Drop in temperature: Cold air affects blood flow, which can cause headaches.
- Dehydration: Thirst decreases in winter, due to which there is lack of water in the body.
- Sinus and sleep patterns: Sinus infections and changes in sleep during cold weather can also cause headaches.
- Poor ventilation: Continuous burning of heaters in closed rooms can lead to lack of ventilation.
Ways to avoid headache
- Practice Yoga: Regular yoga and pranayam, such as Surya Namaskar, Anulom-Vilom and Kapalbhati, maintain energy in the body. Chanting Om at night can also provide relief from headache.
- Adopt home remedies:
- Use of dry ginger and spices: Boil a pinch of dry ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and black pepper powder in water, make it lukewarm and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
- Nasal cleaning: Mix one spoon of celery and rock salt in 1.5 glasses of water and take steam. Gargling will also provide relief from sinus.
- Take care of moisture: The body needs more water in winter. Try to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.
- Soup intake: Avoid packaged soups, as they may contain MAG, which can cause headaches. Make soup of fresh vegetables and drink it.
- Vitamin-D deficiency: Lack of sunlight can cause vitamin-D deficiency. Consume fish, eggs, milk, curd and cheese.
- Use a humidifier: Dry air in the room can cause headaches. Use humidifiers and maintain ventilation in the room.
- Head massage: Massaging the head with lukewarm oil can also provide relief.
By adopting these measures you can reduce the problem of headache in cold. If the problem persists, seek medical advice.