Gorakhpur, January 3: During the inauguration of the newly constructed Mini Sports Complex in Bhati Vihar Colony, Gorakhpur, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath demonstrated his sharpshooting skills at the shooting range. His accuracy left everyone around him astounded, as the CM hit the bullseye on his very first attempt, achieving a perfect shot.
The CM has a keen interest in sports, especially traditional Indian games and shooting. His passion for shooting is often seen in public when he visits military exhibitions, sports academies, or sports centers.
On Friday, during the inauguration of the Mini Sports Complex in Bhati Vihar Colony, Gorakhpur, the CM took a turn at the 10-meter rifle shooting range. His first shot was a perfect bullseye, leaving everyone around him amazed and smiling.
This is not the first time the CM has tried his hand at shooting; he has also practiced during his visits to the Mini Sports Complex and the inauguration of the Military School in Gorakhpur.