Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief minister Mohan Yadav will inaugurate GG Flyover from Ganesh Mandir to Gayatri Mandir on Thursday. Constructed at the cost of Rs 154 crore, it is 2,900 metres long and 15 metres wide. It will ease traffic pressure towards MP Nagar.

It is city’s biggest flyover which passes through DB Mall area, Board Office Square, Pragati Chauraha. The flyover connects Maida Mills route with residential areas like Vidhya Nagar, Shakti Nagar, Kasturba Nagar, Saket Nagar, Danish Nagar, Ashima Mall and AIIMS.

The flyover will also help people going towards Obaidullaganj, Narmadapuram, Betul, Khandwa and Jabalpur. It will lessen traffic pressure in DB Mall area, Board Office, Pragati Petrol Pump and Mansarovar Complex.

Informal estimate suggests that 60 % traffic will pass through flyover and remaining 40 % will be on old bridge. This will lessen traffic jams during peak hours and will be a relief to Mantralaya employees. The foundation stone of GG Flyover was laid in February 2021. The construction was completed on December 31.

Cost Rs 154 crore 2,900 metres long 15 metres wide

Ganesh Mandir to Gayatri Mandir flyover to pass through DB Mall area, Board Office Square, Pragati Chauraha Ease traffic pressure in DB Mall area, Board Office, Pragati Petrol Pump and Mansarovar Complex Connects Maida Mills route with residential areas like Vidhya Nagar, Shakti Nagar, Kasturba Nagar, Saket Nagar, Danish Nagar, Ashima Mall and AIIMS

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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