The incident took place at a private school on the Chennai-Bengaluru highway. | X / Indian Tech & Infra
In a tragic incident, a class 9 student fainted during class and died on Tuesday, December 10 in Ranipet, Tamil Nadu. The incident took place at a private school on the Chennai-Bengaluru highway. The incident was also captured on a CCTV camera and reportedly took place at around 11:30 am.
The 14-year-old deceased student, Advitha was attending her class when she fainted. She was then admitted to a private hospital in Melvisharam. However, doctors declared her ‘brought dead’, as reported by India Today. Investigations revealed that she had been receiving treatment for heart related issues.
Her father is said to be Dr. K Vasanthakumar, the head of dermatology at the Vellore Government Medical College Hospital.
Police investigation
Kaveripakkam police are currently investigating the case. India Today reported that the police recovered the body and has now sent it for post-mortem at the Vellore Government Hospital.
Incident captured on CCTV camera
The CCTV footage revealed that Advitha momentarily rested on a classmate’s shoulder before collapsing. It further showed that the panicked classmate shouted for her teacher after she understood that Advitha had fainted.
While her classmates scramble for additional assistance, the teacher is seen hurrying to the student in an attempt to assist her.