Clash in Jalgaon, Maharashtra : Amidst the New Year celebrations, a big clash has started in Maharashtra. There has been a violent clash between two groups on the issue of blowing horns in Jalgaon. Both the groups pelted stones and set many vehicles on fire. 12 to 15 shops have been burnt here.
Arguing over small things like honking
According to reports, on the night of 31 December, the family of Shiv Sena Minister Gulabrao Patil was going by car to Paladhi village of Jalgaon. Meanwhile, when the car driver blew the horn, some youths got angry and abused the driver and hit him on the head. After this, due to the minister’s wife being in the car, some people of Shiv Sena ran the car on the youth who were abusing them. After the incident, some youth of Paladhi village and some Shiv Sena workers took out a rally. After this the angry mob started pelting stones and arson.
The mob burnt 12 to 15 shops
After this incident, two groups came face to face and started pelting stones at each other. Angry people set vehicles on fire. 12 to 15 shops were burnt in this incident. As soon as information about the incident was received, the police convoy reached the spot and controlled the situation. However, the police have also made arrangements there to prevent further violence and maintain peace.
Case against 25, 10 arrested
The incident of stone pelting and arson in Jalgaon has gone viral. Along with investigation, the police have also made police arrangements in various areas of Jalgaon. Police have started searching for the suspects. In this incident, the police have registered a case against 25 people and about 10 people have been arrested.