Navi Mumbai: On Monday, the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of City And Industrial Development Corporation Of Maharashtra (CIDCO), Vijay Singhal, held a comprehensive meeting at CIDCO Bhavan to review the progress of various high-profile projects. The meeting focused on significant developments such as the Navi Mumbai International Airport, mega housing projects, NAINA, and other critical infrastructure initiatives.

During the meeting, Singhal assessed the current status of these ambitious projects, identified challenges, and discussed the necessary steps to ensure their swift and efficient completion. The meeting was attended by key CIDCO officials, including Joint Managing Directors Shantanu Goel, Rahul Kardile, and Ganesh Deshmukh, along with Heads of Departments and relevant officers.

“The various ambitious projects being implemented by CIDCO are crucial for the development of Navi Mumbai, as well as for the state and the country,” said Singhal.

“The progress of the project work is satisfactory, and I have instructed the concerned officers to ensure the timely completion of these projects to accelerate their implementation.”

CIDCO has consistently been committed to providing world-class infrastructure and services. During the meeting, Singhal emphasized the importance of coordination and transparency among all stakeholders involved in projects such as the Navi Mumbai International Airport and the mega housing scheme. He urged all officers to work towards completing these projects within the prescribed timelines to ensure their successful delivery.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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