Washington: US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who returned home after a 3-day visit to China, clearly said in an interview to CNN that it is clear that China wants to influence the American (Presidential) election and hence wants to interfere in it. Evidence of this has also been found. Even if Chinese President Xi Jinping says he will do nothing; But the reality is completely different.

During his three-day visit to Beijing, Blinken also met Foreign Minister and Chairman Xi Jinping. During his visit, he also discussed thorny international relations such as China’s support to Russia and subsequent US sanctions on China and Iran’s involvement in the Israel-Hamas war.

Blinken also reminded Xi Jinping that during the meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping in San Francisco in November 2025, they had agreed not to interfere in each other’s internal affairs. However, overall: We have received information, including evidence, that China is trying to influence the US election. Not only this, he is also trying to interfere in this and breaking the commitments given to himself.

Not only China but China’s claimant countries are also interfering in the elections of other small countries.

This is the second visit of the US Secretary of State to China in the same year. Earlier, America’s Finance Minister had also visited Beijing. What do these encounters indicate? The matter is simple and straightforward, if this happens with China then it will be America’s last attempt to reach an agreement. Needless to say what could happen if it failed.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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