Shimla, 02 December (HS). Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu on Monday dedicated the newly constructed Dhali Bus Stand in Shimla at a cost of Rs 13.25 crore to the public and also inspected it. Talking to the media on this occasion, the Chief Minister said that the previous BJP government had laid the foundation stone of this bus stand without any budget only for election purposes and the same was done for Theog bus stand also.

He said that the present Congress government released Rs 5 crore each last year and this year and completed its construction work at a cost of Rs 13 crore.

The Chief Minister said that a modern workshop of HRTC is also being built here at a cost of Rs 24 crore, the work of which will be completed soon. He said that the former BJP government betrayed the people of the state in the name of double engine government. He distributed handouts worth Rs 5,000 crore just for the purpose of winning the elections but the enlightened people of the state ousted him from power. He said that the present state government is laying the foundation stone of developmental projects only after making proper provision in the budget and these are also being completed in a time bound manner.

The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of modernization work of vegetable market in Dhali at a cost of Rs 36 crore. He said that the modernization work of the market will start within a month and the work will be completed in 18 months. He said that CA store will also be constructed in Shimla.

The Chief Minister assured to build a new parking lot in Dhali and said that the state government is improving the roads. He said that the previous BJP government did not approve many roads whereas the present state government has given priority to road construction. Efforts will be made to make Parwanoo-Shimla four lane up to Dhalli in two years and the present state government will construct Asia’s highest bridge. Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu also inaugurated the community center Symmetry Sanjauli and parking facility built at a cost of Rs 1.65 crore.

Addressing a public meeting in Dhali, the Chief Minister said that the state government is taking several steps to strengthen the rural economy. Himachal Pradesh is the first state in the country where support price is being provided on milk. The state government is purchasing cow milk at the rate of Rs 45 and buffalo milk at the rate of Rs 55 per liter.

He said that the farmers met him in Rohru and told that they have benefited a lot due to the increase in the price of milk. The rural economy is getting strengthened due to the decisions of the state government. The state government is purchasing wheat and maize grown through natural farming at the rate of Rs 40 and Rs 30 per kg respectively, so that the economy of the village people can be strengthened.

The Chief Minister said that during the disaster, the state government restored all the roads on time to transport the crops of the gardeners to the market. Released Rs 100 crore to restore the roads of Shimla and Kinnaur so that the gardeners do not suffer financial loss.

He said that the state suffered a loss of more than Rs 10 thousand crore in the disaster but the central government did not provide any help to the state. The state government has given a special relief package of Rs 4,500 crore from its own resources and to provide relief to the people, by changing the rules, the compensation amount for the loss has been increased from Rs 1.50 lakh to Rs 7 lakh.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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