Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief minister Mohan Yadav inaugurated the state’s first hotel operated entirely by women in Pachmarhi on Friday. Speaking on the occasion, he said maternal figures received prominence even in our solar and celestial system.
The name of hotel is MPT Amaltas. “Our cultural heritage prioritises women as seen in our constellations and solar system where Earth or Mother Earth holds importance. We consider Earth as our mother and seek her blessings,” he added. He called the initiative a matter of pride for MP.
“This effort reflects our determination to empower women. It serves as an inspiration for other states,” he said. He spoke on the role women play in families and society.
India is uniquely referred as Mother India, evoking reverence and pride, he added. As part of this initiative, 23 local women have been trained and appointed in roles such as manager, housekeeper, receptionist, kitchen staff, food and beverage staff, gardener, guard, and chef. At the function, tourism minister Dharmendra Singh Lodhi announced renovation of Hotel Neelambar Skyline, a luxury property featuring 16 premium rooms, a modern dining area, attached contemporary bathrooms, quality furnishings, and energy-efficient systems. The facility now includes an infinity pool, exquisite landscaping, parking and a viewpoint offering breathtaking views of Pachmarhi.