Bangladesh’s Chief Advisor Professor Muhammad Yunus on Tuesday paid tribute to former Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, who died last week. Professor Yunus went to the Indian High Commission in Dhaka and paid floral tributes on the portrait of Dr. Manmohan Singh and expressed his condolences in the condolence book opened in the High Commission. During this time, India is observing seven days of mourning in honor of the late Prime Minister.
Indian High Commissioner Pranay Kumar Verma welcomed the Chief Advisor at the High Commission in Baridhara at 11:30 am. On this occasion, Professor Yunus had a brief interaction with the High Commissioner and shared the moments of friendship he shared with Dr. Manmohan Singh. He said, “What a simple and wise man he was!” Along with this, he also mentioned that Dr. Singh played an important role in making India a global economic power.
In a message last Friday, the Chief Advisor remembered Dr. Manmohan Singh as a great leader, visionary and a personality committed to the welfare of the people of India. He said the late Prime Minister will always be remembered for his contribution to India’s economic transformation. Professor Yunus praised the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh and said that he not only shaped the future of India but also strengthened the friendship and mutual cooperation between Bangladesh and India.
He underlined the role of Dr. Manmohan Singh in promoting regional peace and prosperity in South Asia and said that the late leader’s vision and commitment in enhancing regional cooperation was incomparable. He appealed to South Asian countries to work together to honor the legacy of Dr. Manmohan Singh.
Sharing many of his fond memories with Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Chief Advisor said that Dr. Manmohan Singh had sent him a warm congratulatory message on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in October 2006. He also recalled his meetings with Dr Singh in New Delhi in January 2007 and during the Professor Hiren Mukherjee Annual Parliamentary Lecture in December 2009.