Surat News: The PCB police has arrested the accused who had been defrauding textile market traders of more than Rs 5 crore by giving fake names for the last one year. Police caught the accused Vijay alias Nirav Gandhi Bhupatbhai Rathod from Lal Darwaza Khodiyar Mata Temple in Surat. A complaint was registered against the accused at Salabatpura, Varachha and Udhna police stations in Surat.
PCB police said that during initial interrogation his name was Vijay, however, during interrogation the accused revealed that his real name is Vijay Rathod and he was committing fraud in the name of Nirav Gandhi. The accused was doing clothes brokerage work in the year 2021. He gave his wrong name as Nirav Gandhi in the market. Textile merchant Pradeepbhai Parsotambhai purchased gray textile goods worth more than five crores from various firms in Chaklasia and ran away without paying.
So businessman Pradeep Bhai Chaklasia filed a case of fraud against the accused in Varachha, Udhna, Salabatpura police station. According to the police, the accused was cheating traders in the textile market by giving his fake name. Also, the fact that he had adopted a false name to escape from the police was also found to be true. The custody of the accused has been handed over to Salabatpura police.