The Charkop police registered an FIR against four individuals for allegedly attempting to extort Rs.1 crore from a married man after having him arrested and jailed for a month in a rape case. The case was filed on January 3 following an order from the Borivali court.

According to the FIR, the complainant, a 40-year-old man residing in Kandivali West, works as a sales manager with a private company. He was married in 2013. He has known the 30-year-old unmarried female accused since 2012. In 2017, they entered into a consensual relationship. The complainant claimed that he never promised to marry her. However, in 2022, the woman suddenly demanded marriage. He refused, stating that he was already married in 2013 to another woman. 

In his complaint, he alleged that seeking revenge, the woman filed a false rape and cheating case against him at the Borivali police station. As a result, the police arrested him, and he spent about a month in jail before being released on bail. The complainant further stated that while his bail plea was pending in court, the woman approached his sister and demanded money in exchange for providing a ‘No Objection’ statement for his bail. Additionally, he alleged that the woman complained to his company’s HR department, leading to his termination.

After his release, the woman reportedly made numerous phone calls, insisting on a meeting. When they met, she allegedly demanded Rs.1 crore to withdraw the rape case. The complainant also claimed that the woman illegally accessed his HDFC bank account details, adding her phone number to his internet banking account and gaining access to his private information. She then threatened to ensure he would “die in jail” if he did not pay the money.

The complainant eventually approached the Borivali court to file a case against the woman and her associates. Following the court’s order, the police registered a case against the accused under Sections 384 (extortion) and 511 (punishment for attempting to commit offenses punishable with imprisonment for life or other imprisonment) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, along with relevant sections of the Information Technology Act.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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