Venus has special significance in Vedic astrology. Venus is the lord and controller of wealth, prosperity, splendor, love, attraction, marital happiness and splendor. From 28 January 2025, Venus will be situated in its high zodiac sign, which is considered extremely auspicious. The lord of Pisces is the planet Jupiter. Venus will be in its high zodiac and will give very auspicious results. Which brings happiness, prosperity and beauty in life. Devguru Jupiter is located in Taurus zodiac, the lord of which is Venus and on the other hand Venus is also located in the zodiac of Jupiter. As a result of this situation, changes between the two planets are being formed, which has a special astrological effect.


What is change Raja Yoga?

In astrology, the position of the planets and their mutual relations has a significant impact on the lives of people of all zodiac signs. There is a special yoga in these relationships ‘Reflection Raja Yoga’. This yoga is formed when two planets are located in each other’s zodiac sign, that is, one planet is located in the second zodiac and the second in the first zodiac. Currently, Venus and Jupiter are becoming a combination. Due to this, the joint power of both planets is making a beneficial impact on the lives of the people.

Venus-Jupiter’s transit effect on the zodiac sign of Raja Yoga

Change in Vedic astrology is considered an effective yoga, which brings significant changes and progress in life. Presently Devguru Jupiter is in the zodiac sign of Venus and Daityacharya Venus is in the zodiac of Jupiter, that is, Devguru is in Taurus zodiac and Venus is in Pisces, as a result of which this special yoga is being made.


This change yoga will have a special effect on the Taurus zodiac, because Jupiter itself is situated in this zodiac. There is a possibility of getting unexpected economic benefits in career and business by the grace of Guru. Employed people may get new opportunities, while traders are likely to get big profits. The financial situation will remain strong and the long -stalled money can be returned. There will be peace and joy in family life and some good news can be received in the family.


The transit of Jupiter and Venus will have a positive effect on Leo zodiac signs. There may be major changes in social and professional life during this period. Employed people may get new job opportunities or there will be possibilities of promotion at the current workplace. This time will be extremely beneficial for traders, as new projects and deals are likely to be final.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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