Mumbai: To mark the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Indian Constitution, the state will organise a month-long celebration titled “Constitution Glory Festival” across over 6,000 colleges in February, announced Minister for Higher and Technical Education, Chandrakantdada Patil.

The Indian Constitution, adopted on 26th November 1949, laid the foundation for India as a sovereign, democratic republic. It came into effect on 26th January 1950, making 26th January 2025 a historic moment as the Constitution completes 75 years in force. Reflecting on this journey, Patil emphasised the transformative role of the Constitution in shaping modern India.

He stated, “The 75th anniversary is an opportunity to honour the visionary framers of our Constitution, whose foresight continues to guide our nation’s progress. This is a moment of pride for every citizen and democracy-loving individuals worldwide.”

The minister explained that the month-long celebration aims to reaffirm the fundamental values of the Constitution and inspire citizens to uphold their constitutional rights and duties. The Department of Higher and Technical Education will oversee the festival, ensuring it is celebrated with enthusiasm and reaches all sections of society.

As part of the “Constitution Glory Festival,” a variety of activities will be conducted throughout February. Lectures by experts will be organised in all non-agricultural universities across the state, providing insights into the Constitution’s importance and relevance.

Colleges will host competitions such as essay writing, elocution, quizzes, and poster-making, all centred around the theme “Introduction to the Indian Constitution.” Seminars, workshops, and conferences will also be arranged to foster a deeper understanding of constitutional principles.

Additionally, scholars and subject matter experts will be invited to educational institutions to deliver guest lectures on constitutional topics. Special campaigns will be launched through the National Service Scheme (NSS) to raise awareness about the Constitution in rural areas, ensuring its message reaches the grassroots. Public libraries across the state will also play a role in the celebrations by hosting talks on the Constitution, making the festival inclusive and far-reaching.

Patil noted that the festival is not just a celebration but a means to educate citizens about their rights and responsibilities as enshrined in the Constitution. The aim is to ensure that the fundamental values, rights, and duties outlined in the Constitution are widely understood and appreciated by society, he said.

This festival, the minister added, would serve as a fitting tribute to the framers of the Constitution and their immense contributions to the nation’s democratic foundation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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