The policies of Acharya Chanakya are as relevant today as they were in his time. He has said many important things to improve life, one of which is where the person should not live. Acharya Chanakya says that going to these places can increase problems in life. In addition, success can also be difficult. So let’s know which 5 places are there according to Chanakya policy where you should avoid going.


Where there is no respect

Everyone wants respect. There is no point in living in a place where people do not respect you, ignore you, or always insult you. In such an environment you can lose your self -esteem, so it is better to stay away from there.

Where there is no employment

It is difficult to live without money. If you live in a place where there are no jobs or employment opportunities, then you will have to struggle while staying there. Chanakya says that no matter how beautiful a place is, if there is no means of livelihood, then it is useless to stay there.

Where our own is not

It is good to stay in an unfamiliar place until a problem arises. But if there is no one to help you in difficult times, then you will be left alone. That is why Chanakya says that not much time should be spent in a place where neither friends nor relatives.

Where there is no learning environment

Education is very important for moving forward in life. If you live a place where there is no education system or education is not given much importance, then you are hindering your progress while staying there. According to Chanakya, it is better to leave such a place.

Where people lack good qualities

Apart from this, if you live among people where there is a lot of evil, people lie, cheat each other and lack good values, then staying there can also affect you. Therefore, Chanakya advises that such a place should be abandoned immediately and should go to a place where good people are with you.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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