The Malvani police have booked an unidentified woman, who threw chilli powder in the eyes of an elderly woman to snatch her gold chain worth Rs1.5 lakh.
According to the police, the victim, Ayesha Shaikh, 91, resides in a chawl at MHB Colony in Malvani. On January 12, around 7pm, her son left for namaz and hence she was alone at home.
Shaikh then went to the kitchen and started cleaning utensils, leaving the main door open. Suddenly, the accused barged in and grabbed her neck from behind. Somehow, the nonagenarian managed to turn and saw a burqa-clad woman.
The accused immediately threw chilli powder in Shaikh’s eyes and attempted to snatch the chain, but it didn’t break. Unrelenting, the senior citizen clutched a glass and hurled it at the accused, while shouting for help. Consequently, the assailant fled.
A case has been filed under sections 309(5) (attempt to commit robbery) and 62 (attempting to commit a serious crime) of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.