The central government has decided to earmark a special site inside the Rajghat complex in the national capital Delhi in the memory of late former President Pranab Mukherjee. This information was shared by his daughter and writer Sharmistha Mukherjee on the social media platform ‘X’.
Sharmistha wrote, “Meeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi and expressed deep gratitude for his government’s decision to build a memorial for Baba. This is even more commendable because we did not request this. This unexpected gesture and gratitude from the Prime Minister is amazing.”
Along with his post, he also shared a photo of his meeting with the Prime Minister and a letter from the Ministry of Urban and Housing. Sharmistha said, “Baba always said that respect should not be demanded, it is given naturally. What Prime Minister Modi did in Baba’s memory shows his respect for him.”
Pranab Mukherjee: A glorious political journey
Pranab Mukherjee served as the President of India from July 2012 to July 2017. In 2019 he was awarded the Bharat Ratna. Sharmistha also expressed that Pranab Mukherjee was beyond praise and criticism, but as a daughter she is deeply satisfied and happy with this initiative.
Question on Congress
Sharmistha had also recently raised questions on the Congress party. He said that after his father’s death, the Congress Working Committee (CWC) neither called any meeting nor passed any resolution in his honour. He termed it as “negligence” and said it reflected the lapse of institutional memory within the party.
Expressing displeasure over this, he said, “Have such old party traditions been forgotten?” This statement of Sharmistha has sparked a deep discussion within the Congress party.
This step of Prime Minister Modi has not only taken the initiative to cherish the memory of Pranab Mukherjee, but has also given his respect a new height at the national level.