New Delhi: The Center has allocated Rs. 14,000 crore for seven major programs announced. The Union Cabinet has allocated Rs. 2,817 crore for Digital Agriculture Mission and Crop Science. Seven major projects worth Rs 3,979 crore were approved. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav highlighted the outline of these programs.

Speaking to reporters, he said these programmes aim to focus on research and education, resilience against climate change, management of natural resources and digitalisation of agriculture as well as development of horticulture and .mal husbandry sectors.

The six pillars of these schemes include research and education, plant genetic resources management, food and fodder, genetic improvement of pulses and oilseeds, improvement of cash crops, research on insects, microbes and pollinators.

The cabinet has also allocated Rs. 2,291 crore as expenditure approval.

Apart from this, Rs. 2,817 crore was approved for the Digital Samadhan Mission. Its two main pillars are agricultural partnership and agricultural decision support system.

Pradhan said that a scheme of Rs. 1702 crore has been approved for the health of .mals and their breeding and maintenance. Apart from this, a scheme of Rs. 860 crore has been approved for horticulture.

Apart from this, Rs. 1,202 crore has been sanctioned for strengthening Krishi Vigyan Kendras and Rs. 1,115 crore for natural resource management. There are more than 700 Krishi Vikas Kendras in the country. Digital Agriculture Mission will cover all aspects of the agriculture sector using technology.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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