The photograph of the suspect in the knife attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has become public. This picture has been taken from the CCTV footage of Saif’s flat ‘Satguru Sharan’ in Bandra, in which the suspect is seen using the stairs of the building. Police have intensified efforts to identify and arrest the suspect. After committing the incident, the attacker took the help of stairs to escape from the spot.
The suspect came with a bag on his back
In the photo released by the police, the suspect is wearing a black T-shirt and has a bag hanging on his back. Saif Ali Khan lives on the 12th floor. Initial investigation found that the CCTV footage did not show the suspect entering the house, but footage after the incident showed him leaving the stairs.
maid protested
According to police sources, the maid working at Saif’s house was present at the spot at that time. Seeing the suspect, he tried to stop him, due to which he also got hurt. When the maid raised an alarm, Saif also came there and had a scuffle with the attacker, resulting in serious injuries to Saif. He was immediately rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where doctors have kept him under 24-hour observation, and his condition is now stable.