In the early hours of Thursday, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was repeatedly attacked by an unidentified intruder at his Bandra residence in Mumbai, where he was stabbed six times. While the attacker is still on the run, a new visual from CCTV footage has surfaced, showing the attacker in different clothes, though it is unclear whether the footage was captured before or after the incident.

On the day of the attack, the intruder was seen wearing a black t-shirt, as per earlier footage from Saif’s building. A day after the incident, a CCTV footage showed the man wearing a blue shirt, carrying a backpack with his hands folded. In the most recent photo, the attacker is seen wearing a yellow t-shirt.

Check it out:

According to the police, who remains on the run, likely took a train from Bandra to navigate around Mumbai or travel to another location.

Along with Saif, Eliyama Philip, a Malayali nurse, hired for his son Jehangir Ali Khan was also injured in the attack.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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