Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday launched CBI’s Bharatpol portal. The Home Ministry has started Bharatpol in the country on the lines of Interpol. Bharatpol portal will expedite investigations and help in gathering real-time information in cases of cyber crime, financial crime, organized crime, human trafficking, transnational crime. This portal will work under CBI, but the best thing is that the police of the states will be able to directly take the help of Interpol through this portal for intelligence input about any wanted criminal or fugitive. Apart from this, foreign law enforcement agencies can also contact Indian agencies with the help of ‘Bharatpol’ to gather information about any criminal. Thus ‘Bharatpol Portal’ will prove to be very helpful in international policing.
Bharatpol will take international investigation into a different era
Union Home Minister Amit Shah, in his address at the launch of Bharatpol, said, ‘This launch will take international scrutiny of our country’s law enforcement agencies into a different era. In a way, till now there was only one agency to work with Interpol. But after the launch of Bharatpol, every agency of India, every state police will be able to easily connect themselves with Interpol and speed up their investigation. Amit Shah said- Connect, Notice, Reference, Broadcast and Resource will be the five main modules of Bharatpol, through which all the law enforcement agencies of our country will come on one platform.
Bharatpol will speed up this process
CBI will get an excellent technical platform through Bharatpol. We will be able to very quickly send evidence and documents to agencies of other countries for investigation and get inputs from them. Bharatpol will ensure direct and effective communication with our agencies for crime control. Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that with the help of Bharatpol, our agencies will be able to expedite their requests to international agencies for issuing Red Corner and other types of notices and the international agencies will also be able to provide information to India on any such issues. Will be able to fulfill the request quickly.
No criminal can stay away from the reach of India
Many criminals remain out of the reach of the law even after committing crimes. But with the implementation of this system, criminals who fled from India will come under the grip of law. A criminal who commits a crime in India and flees abroad will be tried and sentenced in the same court where he resides. The Home Minister said that CBI should be given training at the ground level so that Bharatpol can be used better. He asked the CBI to inform the state police about all Interpol notices. Amit Shah said that CBI needs to develop its organizational structure based on the new criminal laws, information from Bharatpol and Interpol, only then Bharatpol will be effective.
How will Bharatpol work?
With the help of this portal, the police of the states can directly send requests to Interpol to collect information about any criminal. This way, the state police will not have to depend on the CBI or other central agencies for Interpol information. The objective of the portal is to facilitate and streamline the coordination of Indian security agencies with INTERPOL. At present, even to issue a notice to a fugitive criminal, states have to first request the CBI. The CBI has forwarded the state police’s request to Interpol.
After this, whatever information is sent by Interpol, CBI has to send it to the State Police through mail or letter. This is a very complex process, which takes a lot of time. This portal is designed to simplify the process and bring all the law enforcement agencies of India on one platform. Through ‘Bharatpol’, the state police can send a request to Interpol to issue a Red Corner or any other notice for an offender. For this they will not have to depend on CBI.