A 45-year-old woman in Garia region of Kolkata has found infection of Human Coronavirus HKU1. The woman had a complaint of fever, cough and cold for the last 15 days, due to which she was admitted to a private hospital. According to doctors, at the moment their condition is stable and there is no need to panic.

However, this virus is not new, but due to low cases and mild symptoms, its discussion is less. Let us understand in detail what this virus is, its symptoms, danger and prevention measures.

What is Human Coronavirus HKU1?

Human Coronavirus HKU1 is a son Kornavirus, who is related to a deadly virus such as Sars and Mers. Although the HKU1 virus usually causes mild respiratory infections, it can sometimes lead to severe lung infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

The infection of this virus mainly affects the upper respiratory system, which can develop symptoms such as colds and colds. However, in some cases this virus can cause more serious complications, especially among those whose immunity is weak.

Major symptoms of HKU1 virus

Symptoms of the HKU1 virus are usually like ordinary cold-colds, but in some cases can also take severe form.

General Symptoms:

  • persistent cough
  • Flowing or closed nose
  • Throat
  • Mild fever
  • Sneeze
  • Headache and fatigue

in extreme cases:

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Pneumonia or bronchitis

People whose immunity is weak, this virus can spread more severe infection and may require them to be hospitalized.

Which people are more at risk?

People from certain groups may be more affected by this virus, including:

  1. Elderly: People over 60 years of age
  2. Young children and newborns
  3. People suffering from lung disease (eg asthma, COPD)
  4. People with weak immune systems
  5. Diabetes and heart disease patients

If a person from any of these groups see a prolonged fever, shortness of breath or other serious symptoms, contact the doctor immediately.

How does HKU1 virus spread?

This virus can spread in many ways from an infected person to another, such as:

🔸 via air: When an infected person sneezes or coughs, droplets containing viruses spread in the air and can spread infection when exposed to a healthy person.

🔸 By touching infected surfaces: If a person touches the contaminated surface (such as the door handle, mobile, table) from the virus and then touches his mouth, nose or eyes, the infection can spread.

🔸 Close contact: Staying close to an infected person or joining hands can also spread this virus.

HKU1 virus prevention methods

Since this virus spreads through exposure to respiratory drops and infected surfaces, it is necessary to take hygiene and caution for prevention.

Keep hands clean:

  • Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
  • Use a hand sanitizer, especially when soap-water is not available.

Wear a mask:

  • Wear masks at crowded places.
  • Use a tissue or elbow while coughing or sneezing.

Keep distance from an infected person:

  • People who are suffering from cough, cold or fever, maintain at least 1-2 meters from them.

Follow a healthy lifestyle:

  • Take a nutritious diet, drink plenty of water and exercise daily.
  • Get full sleep and give enough rest to the body.

Do we need to panic?

A case of this woman being infected in Kolkata has come to light, but it is not the beginning of an epidemic. The HKU1 virus is not new and it is only with symptoms like normal cold and cold.

According to experts, most people recover from this infection themselves, but in some cases it may be serious. Therefore, it is very important to take precautions and adopt measures to avoid infection.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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